this code was a conversion from my prevous code i have written in C, what i like from python are it simplicity.... as you can compare from my prevous code
this code was a conversion from my prevous code i have written in C, what i like from python are it simplicity.... as you can compare from my prevous code
this program ask user input for base value and the limit value of the exponent
variabel explanation:
x is used for interval value
y is used for base value
z is used for exponent container
v is used for limit value
from my previous program program penghitung uang pecahan dengan python i've rewrite the code in C
#include <stdio.h> /*change currency counter program*/ int main(){ int amount, result, rest; /*user input*/ printf ("welcome to amount currency counter program \n"); printf ("input your amount change "); scanf ("%d", &amount); /*mulai proses*/ result=amount/100000; rest=amount%100000; printf ("your change amount : \n"); printf ("%d", result); printf(" seratusribuan \n"); if (rest>=50000){ result=rest/50000; rest=rest%50000; printf("%d", result); printf(" limapuluhribuan \n"); } if (rest>=20000){ result=rest/20000; rest=rest%20000; printf("%d", result); printf(" duapuluhribuan \n"); } if (rest>=10000){ result=rest/10000; rest=rest%10000; printf("%d", result); printf(" sepuluhribuan \n"); } if (rest>=5000){ result=rest/5000; rest=rest%5000; printf("%d", result); printf(" limaribuan \n"); } if (rest>=1000){ result=rest/1000; rest=rest%1000; printf("%d", result); printf (" seribuan \n"); } if (rest>=500){ result=rest/500; rest=rest%500; printf("%d", result); printf (" limaratusan \n"); } if (rest>=100){ result=rest/100; rest=rest%100; printf("%d", result); printf (" seratusan \n"); } getchar(); return 0; } |
after visiting allaboutalgoritma, i've interested seeing their change currency, so i decided to convert it in python. forgive me if you're confused with the language cause it's indonesian
#change currency program print "welcome to my change currency program" amount = input("your money amount") result=amount/100000 rest=amount%100000 print "your change amount" print result, "seratusribuan" if (rest>=50000): result=rest/50000 rest=rest%50000 print result, "limapuluhribuan" if (rest>=20000): result=rest/20000 rest=rest%20000 print result, "duapuluhribuan" if (rest>=10000): result=rest/10000 rest=rest%10000 print result, "sepuluhribuan" if (rest>=5000): result=rest/5000 rest=rest%5000 print result, "limaribuan" if (rest>=1000): result=rest/1000 rest=rest%1000 print result, "seribuan" if (rest>=500): result=rest/500 rest=rest%500 print result, "limaratusan" if (rest>=100): result=rest/100 rest=rest%100 print result, "seratusan" else: print "rupiah" |
here is my simple age counter program, the concept still same likemy previous code's
#include <iostream> //age counter program using namespace std; int main() { //variable declaration char name[32]; int bday, bmonth, byear; int tday, tmonth, tyear; int bdate, tdate; int day, month, year; //input process cout<<"who are you? "; cin>> name; //input birth cout<<"input birth day "; cin>> bday; cout<<"input birth month "; cin>> bmonth; cout<<"input birth year "; cin>> byear; //input recent cout<<"input recent day "; cin>> tday; cout<<"input recent month "; cin>> tmonth; cout<<"input recent year "; cin>> tyear; cin.ignore(); //algorythm processing bdate=bday+(bmonth*30)+(byear*365); tdate=tday+(tmonth*30)+(tyear*365); //result processing day=(tdate-bdate)%365%30; month=(tdate-bdate)%365/30; year=(tdate-bdate)/365; //result cout<< name; cout<< ","<< day<<","<< month<< ","<<year; //commentation if (year<=5){ cout<<" you're still baby"; } else if (year<=17){ cout<<" you're still young"; } else if (year<=40){ cout<<" you're an adult"; } else if (year<=99){ cout<<" you're old enough"; } else { cout<<" are you serious?"; } cin.get(); return 1; } |
this was the C version of my precious age counter program
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /*age counter program*/ int main() { /*variable declaration*/ char name[32]; int bday, bmonth, byear; int tday, tmonth, tyear; int tdate, bdate; int day, month, year; /*user input*/ printf ("who are you \n"); scanf ("%s[^\n]", name); /*input birth day*/ printf ("input birth day \n"); scanf ("%d", &bday); printf ("input birth month \n"); scanf ("%d", &bmonth); printf ("input birth year \n"); scanf ("%d", &byear); /*input recent day*/ printf ("input recent day \n"); scanf ("%d", &tday); printf ("input recent month \n"); scanf ("%d", &tmonth); printf ("input recent year \n"); scanf ("%d", &tyear); /*algorhytm processing*/ bdate=bday+(bmonth*30)+(byear*365); tdate=tday+(tmonth*30)+(tyear*365); /*result processing*/ year=(tdate-bdate)/365; month=(tdate-bdate)%365/30; day=(tdate-tmonth)%365%30; /*result*/ printf("%s %d %d %d", name, day, month, year); /*comment about age*/ if (year <= 5) { printf ("\n you're still baby \n"); } else if (year <= 17) { printf ("\n you're still young\n"); } else if (year <= 40) { printf ("\n you're an adult \n"); } else if (year <= 99) { printf ("\n you're old enough \n"); } else { printf ("\n are you serious? \n"); } getchar(); return 0; } |
this is a Hello world in C, yes! i know, that many other site's has create same topic.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf ("Hello world!"); getchar(); return 0; } |
there's a tradition in programming that newbie should success performing hello world, so this is my hello world
this example will create an "pop up" that ask user input, enjoy it
honestly, i never use this keymail, but i decided to posting this code, so you can help me understanding this code
i've got this code from , but it's not 100% pure anymore, there's some line i've changed. but that will not affect the program, cause i'm just change the commentation
i've using DevC++ portable. and got some problem when compiling, after i've read instruction in line 37-40. it's all clear
this was the basic exercise in GUI programming, in here i make a empty window using wxpython
nanti hasilnya seperti gambar di bawah ini
here was an wxpython calculator taht i've copied from , and written by Miki Tebeka